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  • Writer's pictureRandy Van Duinen

Small Claims Grassroots Action Team

Professional photographers of America (PPA) along with many other creative groups and associations have been working with the Congress to introduce small claims copyright legislation. This is been in the works for many years and is coming to fruition right now and we will need your help to get this passed through Congress. To help out all you need to do is sign up for the “Grassroots Action Team” and then we will send you some information on who and when to call people to get this passed.

This is very important as most creative people cannot afford to go to Federal court and most lawyers will not take the case unless the damages are over $30,000. But, with small claims legislation we will be able to protect our copyrights and our images in the court system. I believe this will stop some of the theft that is going on and help the creative community recover some of the money we are losing from copyright infringement.

Here's a small video I put together to explain it:


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